Geoplazma LLP

Minerals exploration

Phone: +7 (7132)40-63-43

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Geoplazma LLP Geological Scientific and Research Company provides scientific-production and laboratory-analytical services to subsoil users


Thursday, 2 September, 2010

The building was constructed for rocks grinding and core drying.

Thursday, 21 August, 2008

The core storage facility started its functioning being conveniently located within the area of the testing laboratory. Storage racks in the core storage facilities are located in the way that allows a worker to find a required core box immediately.

Friday, 2 November, 2007

The company received a license for mining designing.


Thursday, 5 July, 2007

The testing laboratory started its functioning.

Thursday, 24 May, 2007

The company received a license for activities in the sphere of environmental expertise and environmental design.


Tuesday, 9 August, 2005

Geoplazma LLP was initially registered. We received a complete package of documents for commencement of production and scientific and research activities.